A testament to the unpredictability of life and the talent it takes to navigate twists and turns, Jewel Golphin’s ’04, story is marked by unexpected opportunities. From an accidental college choice to Human Resources manager at JewishColumbus, Golphin has landed where she was always meant to be.
“My best friend and I had decided that we wanted to go to college together. However, we didn’t suss out that idea very well, and we ended up applying to eight different colleges. She said, ‘Well, I’m really interested in this school called Capital,’” said Golphin. “We came and visited. She filled out all my paperwork and we showed up in August for Smooth Transitions.”
Between sophomore and junior year, life gave Golphin an expected surprise – she became a mother.
“It was a surprise, but it worked out. I started junior year doing online classes through Columbus State [Community College], and then I came back [to Capital] in the winter,” said Golphin. “My schedule was crazy. I worked third shift. I would get off work at 6 a.m., pick up my son from the babysitter, go to sleep for maybe three hours, take him to daycare, and then had to be on campus by 11 a.m. for classes.”
An integral facet of every student's educational journey at Capital, Golphin's internship with the Capital Communications team exemplified the value of experiential learning.
“I needed an internship and, unfortunately, I missed the class where [the professor] gave ideas of where to look and whom to talk to. I was literally sitting in the MDR trying to think of where I could go that might have public relations. Then I remembered I had seen a sign in Yochum Hall that said public relations. I went down there, met Denise [Russel], told her my story, and pleaded with her to give me an internship,” said Golphin.
“I was able to help write some pieces for the alumni magazine. I also did some photography for campus events. I don’t think I had any expectations, but it was really nice to work on projects that were going to be seen by the public. I got to do a lot of forward-facing activities for campus and even got to see my name in print.”
After graduating with a major in English, Golphin spent time in program management with organizations such as NAMI, New Directions Career Center, and the Family and Youth Law Center at Capital University Law School. She has been at JewishColumbus for a little over two years and has recently been promoted to Human Resources manager. It was a role she hadn’t expected, but she says, “I just kind of fell into it, and I love it.”
“I was talking to my friend the other day and said I wish I could do college now. When I have the money to deal with all the expenses and have had time to think through what I want to do when I grow up. A lot of people don’t know that at 18, 19, and 20. It took 20 years for me to figure it all out,” said Golphin.
Golphin's son has had the privilege of being raised by a strong mother. Her journey and accomplishments not only reflect her personal triumphs but also impart valuable lessons to her son, fostering qualities of resilience, ambition, and the ability to navigate life's challenges with grace and tenacity.
“I hope he has picked up resiliency and that ability to pivot. I mean, if you would have asked me in May 2004, what is your career path going to look like, I would not have been able to imagine all the places I’ve landed. I think it’s for the best for me. It’s been a lot of learning on the job,” said Golphin. “You have to find the right fit. You don’t have to be locked in at 20. You can choose a different path. Try it, if you don’t like it, you can try something else. Find what you’re passionate about.”
For more information about English at Capital, visit http://of42.airalkalimilagros.com/academics/english/.